Global Warming is not cool. whew. got it from a TV commercial. And it's actually summer now. everybody is planning to have some beach vacays, adventures, or just stay in the couch and watch TV for the whole day==> this was my idea of a summer when i was younger. nyehe. And when we say summer, sunshine reaches our minds. And a ray of sun now is not that good to our skin. I found this cool site in which we can find fruity and affordable stuffs in taking care of our precious skin. I have oily skin, that's why I am very conscious when a pimple sprouts out. Here are the great and affordable stuff that we can do for our oily skin:
Normal/Acne/Oily skin: Mix 1 tablespoon plain or vanilla yogurt with the juice of 1/4 lemon & massage onto skin. Rinse with warm water.
After cleansing & before exfoliating, steam your skin to open the pores. Fill a 6 quart pot ¼ of the way full with water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. (For astringent and tonic properties, add lemon juice to boiling water.) Take the pot off the stove and place it on an oven safe surface where it is a good height to lean over the pot exposing your face to the steam. For best results sit down at a table with a small to medium towel draped over the back of your head to keep the steam localized to the face. Steaming can occur for 5-10 min. Exfoliate after steaming.
Normal/Acne/ Oily: Combine 1 tablespoon of tomato juice with 1½ tablespoon of sugar, and massage in tiny circles all over face and neck. Avoid using near eyes. Rinse thoroughly.
Acne: Whip together a clove of minced garlic, ½ tomato with seeds finely chopped, 1 tablespoon tomato juice & 1 egg white. Apply to skin, and to ensure the ingredients stay put, either lie down, or unfold a gauze pad, cut out holes for your eyes and mouth, moisten & press against skin over the mask.
source here and find more for your skin type.