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February 13, 2009

Overdue New Year's Resolution

I don't usually think of New Year's resolutions. Coz by just the thought of it, I'll be so much sure I won' do it. Hahah. But what I have learned from the Law of Attraction, you have to set it. I've been trying to save money since I started working, but now, I'm already about to celebrate my third year in this company, nothing's been saved! Now I realize, that you have to set a goal in order to enjoy and save the process of ending to it. I have to save my money for something that I will soon spend on. I have to exercise in order to delete this excess fat in my stomach! Hahah!
Exercise is one new thing in my new year's resolutions, which is by the way, getting longer and longer as I'm becoming older. I never had a problem with doing this going-healthy and getting-some-sexy-body routine back then. I was too thin to exercise. Way too thin.
Now what I will do, I'll follow the Law of Attraction, and then jog starting May, 2009. Why May of all the months in a year and why not January to start the year right? And of all things, why jog?
Jog. Because I'm afraid I might get backpains if ever I'll have some flexi-exercising. I have scoliosis and I think it won't go right. But according to what I have read and watched, exercise is very good for people suffering from scoliosis. I did taebo once, but my, the whole week my back kept on aching.
And then May, for romantic reasons. I do not have someone to jog with. And it's just so horrifying for me to think that I jog without a companion. I will feel really awkward, I think. There are people who jog alone, but that's my case. :D So forgive me.
And May again because my boyfriend who is not here at the present, will come home on that Month. He will be my companion. And I think that would be just great. ;)



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